Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Suffer The Pain Of Discipline OrThe Pain Of Regret

I am neither a spendthrift nor an impulse buyer. But at times the temptation is too much. And this has taught me a valuable lesson. I visited a prestigious shop one day and was attracted to a brown handbag which was unique beautiful and big enough for my stuffs. I had to buy it.  I never got to use the bag due to the fact that I had to carry a laptop most of the time to the office and during the field trips. This bag was completely forgotten.
Now, three months later, I saw a handbag in one of the shops, it was brown and beautiful and I immediately fell in love with it. I bought it. I had a nagging feeling that I had seen such a bag somewhere or with someone but I could not remember where or with whom. Of course as usual, I did not use it immediately. After some days, I got the chance to use my handbag and match it my brown clothes and as I was removing the handbag, I could not believe it as I saw to identical handbags in fact by the same manufacturer one was a shade browner than the other but I could not even tell which one I bought first and in which shop. I could not return any of them to the shop since I had long thrown the receipts.

How could I? I kept asking myself. I should have bought something else at least essential. But the milk had spilt and could not be collected. I learnt a hard lesson on the need of self discipline and particularly planning. It’s your turn to choose, and choices have consequences, would you rather suffer the pain of discipline or the pain of regret?